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Hybrid cloud needs to be simplified and turn its demerits into merits

As per research, the Global Hybrid Cloud Market size will reach USD 173.33 billion with a CAGR of 22.25% by 2025. Most organizations are moving towards hybrid cloud as they have understood that no single cloud is a one-size-fits-all solution. This means that the CIOs and technology support teams need to not just evaluate an array of services to which their businesses can connect and benefit but understand if they can manage them for better results.

Hi Nimit, Thank you for sharing the details. Need some of the changes in the Proposal. -For the setup purpose we want the STUDIO 4 at 3:00PM, So do let me know when is the previous event finished. -Per plate charges as well as MR are bit high for us, help us a bit. -Hi Tea will be there from 4:45 to 6:00 with 2+2 snacks -Sound, WIFI, Projector & Laptop is required and we want that too be adjusted against MR. We would be staying with you, so help me with a better rate, Waiting for a positive response. Regards, Somya Chauhan


And The Employee Of The Year Goes To..... THE CLOUD! As it Reduced IT costs, Scalability, Business continuity, Collaboration efficiency, Flexibility of work practices, Access to automatic updates and a lot more .


Top Cloud Technologies That Will Shape 2023

Companies throughout the world, regardless of size, have begun to rely on cloud technology now that they understand it is here to stay. It’s challenging for businesses to prepare their cloud strategy since this essential technology gets upgraded annually. In order to build a solid cloud strategy, let’s examine the top cloud trends for 2023.


In Conversation with Tushar Bhagat, CEO, Uffizio and Kartik Desai, Head of Devops, Uffizio

In this era of rapid technological advancements, SMEs in India are ensuring that they do not get left behind in their digital transformation journeys led by cloud-adoption. Acceleration of these interventions has only increased in the recent times keeping in view, the need for SMEs to grow their businesses exponentially with IT modernization.