Digital Payments are estimated to grow at a rapid pace to account for more than 70% share of all payments by 2025. The continued innovation and increased performance in digital technology, consumer demand for one-touch payments, policy push toward financial inclusion, desire to marginalize cash, and an exponential rise in digital applications and services are the mega-trends that are driving the Digital Payments revolution.
Five common blunders to avoid while migrating to cloud
When it comes to data storage, the cloud is touted as one of the most secure options. However, moving to the cloud can introduce a slew of issues that may jeopardize the infrastructure’s security and put it in peril.
Trends shaping the cloud computing world in 2022
Cloud computing is the new mantra for most businesses. Without it, companies may lose out on many fronts. Cloud platforms are a treasure trove waiting to be explored. A range of trends - from Faas and AI to machine learning - are influencing its growing popularity.
Why SMEs should swipe right on cloud-based services

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have emerged as the fastest-growing segment for the cloud adoption market from 2021 to 2028, according to Grandview Research.