Cloud is a building blocks, analysis data, secures database, automatically detects and alarms about bugs, super easy to scale: One Stop Solution For Everything. Everything is done by the Cloud, What does you do?
Automation is the answer to cloud management problems
Cloud migration has garnered much-needed attention from organizations considering the benefits it provides in terms of business continuity.
And The Employee Of The Year Goes To..... THE CLOUD! As it Reduced IT costs, Scalability, Business continuity, Collaboration efficiency, Flexibility of work practices, Access to automatic updates and a lot more .
Are you a Cloud – Man?
#Cloud is a life savior, as it has lots of benefits like reducing IT cost, scalability, collaboration efficiency and a...
Mould your own cloud.
#Cloud is just like working with clays and you have the power to shape it as per your needs either it be a businesses or people.
In Conversation with Tushar Bhagat, CEO, Uffizio and Kartik Desai, Head of Devops, Uffizio
In this era of rapid technological advancements, SMEs in India are ensuring that they do not get left behind in their digital transformation journeys led by cloud-adoption. Acceleration of these interventions has only increased in the recent times keeping in view, the need for SMEs to grow their businesses exponentially with IT modernization.
In conversation with Anna Green, Head of SMB, Asia Pacific and Japan, AWS
Anna Green talks about her personal and professional journey so far, AWS initiatives for women-in-tech and SMBs across Asia Pacific, Japan and India, concerns for the businesses around the world for digital transformation, and much more.
Top reasons why migrating databases to the cloud is worth a shot
Due to security worries, businesses have typically hesitated to move apps and data to the cloud. However, relocating your data to a reliable cloud hosting provider, like Amazon Web Services, offers additional benefits and protection. Here are a few primary arguments for why a business should consider migrating its database to the cloud.
In conversation with Maneesh Joglekar, Business Head, JJIT Fintech
In this era of rapid technological advancements, SMEs in India are ensuring that they do not get left behind in their digital transformation journeys led by cloud-adoption. Acceleration of these interventions has only increased in the recent times keeping in view, the need for SMEs to grow their businesses exponentially with IT modernization.
In conversation with Shrinath Balakrishnan, Co-Founder & CTO,
In this era of rapid technological advancements, SMEs in India are ensuring that they do not get left behind in their digital transformation journeys led by cloud-adoption. Acceleration of these interventions has only increased in the recent times keeping in view, the need for SMEs to grow their businesses exponentially with IT modernization.